
Ammann leads after two rounds in Planica

Planica - Simon Ammann leads half-way run an FIS Skiflying Wolrd Chapionships in Planica. After two rounds he leads in Planica ahead of Adam Malysz and Gregor Schlierenzauer. Malysz is only 2.8 points behind the Swiss. Schlierenzauer is already about 20 points behind Ammann.

Planica - Simon Ammann leads half-way run an FIS Skiflying Wolrd Chapionships in Planica. After two rounds he leads in Planica ahead of Adam Malysz and Gregor Schlierenzauer. Malysz is only 2.8 points behind the Swiss. Schlierenzauer is already about 20 points behind Ammann.

Results after two rounds >>>

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