Voucher information
Information about unused vouchers for the 2020 FIS Ski Flying World Championships in Planica
As we have already informed you, from April 10, 2022 onwards, we will be able to return the credit you have left on the vouchers you received in accordance with Article 65 of the Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Mitigate and Remedy the Consequences of the COVID-19 Epidemic (ZIUOOPE) in exchange for the tickets for the 2020 FIS Ski Flying World Championships which were cancelled, insofar as you have not redeemed the vouchers in the meantime to buy new tickets.
Voucher holders are invited to
- send a written request for a refund to the point of sale where you purchased the original tickets or to the location where you exchanged your tickets for vouchers (list of locations below) by 30 September 2022 at the latest. It is important to state the serial number of the voucher and the value written on it, your name, surname and address, as well as your bank account number and the name of the bank to which the value will be transferred;
- personally bring the voucher to the point of sale where you bought the original tickets or to the location where you exchanged your tickets for vouchers (list of locations below) and arrange your refund.
Vouchers can no longer be exchanged for new tickets!
Kompas points of sale:
- Kompas and M-Holidays branch offices (personally)
- By email address booking@kompas.si
- Online Booking www.planica.kompas.si
Eventim points of sale:
- Online Booking www.eventim.si/si/
- By email address info@eventim.si
Petrol service stations in Slovenia (personally)