Departure from Planica

Visitors returning from Planica are kindly asked to patiently and carefully enter the buses. Entering will be guided by stewards and security personnel with the help of safety fences and controlled gates. This way congestions will be prevented and departure will be faster.

You can enter the buses that are waiting on three parking lots, each is intended for departure in different direction:

Parking lot 1

  • Podkoren and Kranjska Gora (without stops in Ledine and Rateče)

Parking lot 2

  • From 13.10 onwards: Jesenice (passengers by train)
  • On Friday at 17.00: Jesenice (passengers by train)

Parking lot 3

  • Kranjska Gora (accreditation holders, media, invited guests, organizing staff)

Parking lots and ways to them will be marked with information boards.

In the first 40-50 minutes after the end of the competition buses on the circle route will be given priority for departure from Planica.

We ask for tolerance when departing with vehicles, the arrival of these lasts a few hours, approximately the same time can also be needed for departure.