Arrival to Planica
Free bus transport from Kranjska Gora and surrounding area to Planica will be available to all the visitors. We advise you not to go to Planica by car. Buses are given priority for both arrival and departure from Planica!
Buses with a height of more than 385 cm will not be able to park in Planica!
From different parking spaces you can also walk to the valley of world champions.
Entry points for visitors:
- Kranjska Gora: main bus station
- Podkoren: regular bus stop
- Zelenci: main road stop
- Buses on circular route will not stop in Rateče.
Entry points for visitors with accreditations VIP & MEDIA:
Accreditation Center in Podkoren.
During the competition Planica area represents a wider event space. Retention in one spot and watching the competition is only allowed when possessing a ticket or any other basis that allows access to the control area.
Since we wish to prevent congestion at the entrances and ensure that visitors reach the event site as fast as possible, entry will take place in these steps:
1. Ticket control will be performed at the outer entrances.
2. This will be followed by entering the control area.
- Visitors with baggage will be directed to entrances for inspection
- Visitors without baggage will be directed to separate entrances
> Thursday, 27. 3. – 6.00 to 2h after the end of competition
> Friday, 28. 3. – 10.00 to 2h after the end of competition
> Saturday, 29. 3. – 5.30 to 3h after the end of competition
> Sunday, 30 3. – 6.00 to 2h after the end of competition
> Entry-control points open practically simultaneously or with a 15-minute delay
> Food/drink offer ends one hour before the event site closes.
> Have as little baggage as possible.
> If you arrive in a smaller group only one person from the group should carry baggage.
> After arriving to entry points don’t stay there for a long time, enter the event site as soon as possible.
> Have your tickets ready.
> Actively participate in baggage inspection – show the contents to security personnel.
Burning and use of open flames and all types of grills is strictly prohibited.
Tables, chairs, sunbeds and similar objects are not allowed to be set up due to the passage of emergency vehicles.